The Prajna Project

The Prajna Project is a collection of tools and utility classes designed to provide a greater understanding of data and information. While many tools focus on gathering information and presenting it to users, there is less emphasis on deriving a true understanding of the data and gleaning additional information from it.

The Prajna project provides several primary functions, each designed to fit into a cohesive whole. Each of the following technologies is further described in the Prajna User Manual:

The Prajna project consists a main project, which contains the core classes and several implementations. It also includes several software bridges, each of which links Prajna to a commercial or another open source project.

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Publications and Awards

Prajna was presented at the IEEE Visualization Conference 2008, as part of the Knowledge Assisted Visualization workshop. It was also used in contest entries for the VAST 2008 Challenge, and the Cell Phone Mini-Challenge entry won an award for Effective Toolkit Integration. In 2009, it was used as the foundation for the VAST 2009 Challenge for internet traffic, winning an award for Excellent Analysis Facilitated by a Customizable Toolset.

About this project:

The Prajna Project was registered on on Oct 14, 2008. Prajna is a Java-based open source toolkit featuring knowledge representation, visualization, geographic displays, data fusion, ontologies, and semantic reasoning. It combines these diverse technologies into a cohesive toolkit for enhancing information discovery and reasoning.

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Source code for this project may be available as downloads or through one of the SCM repositories used by the project, as accessible from the project develop page.

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