Future Work

Prajna is still actively being developed. Currently, I have planned many new capabilities and extensions to existing capabilities. The planned developments are discussed below, and include both core Prajna components and software bridges to various libraries.

Visualization Extensions

The support for the Grid data structure is weak, and needs enhancing. Though I've added some more data handling to the grids, I still need to develop some useful visualizations, algorithms, and examples.

I would like to explore the Track data type with some better examples. A good demonstration of geographic tracking would be a good first step. But I designed the Track class to use any object, so I would like to develop a track utility or demonstration using another data type.

The Charting interface to JFreeChart needs work. The current software bridge is unwieldy and non-intuitive. Also, I would like to generalize the interface, so other charting packages may also be used.

Reasoning, Semantics and Ontologies

The software bridge for various ontology constructs has not been developed particularly well. It needs work. Also, I need to create a software bridge for the Jena toolkit.

I need to develop additional capabilities for reasoning. Currently, I am evaluating designs for inserting new reasoners into a visualization pipeline dynamically.

Another area for reasoner research is the structure reasoners. I am currently developing a consistent interface for deriving additional information about graphs, trees, or grids.

Data Sources

The support for the Document Corpus is not particularly strong. I would like to develop a few more capabilities to support this. I have created an EntityExtractor interface. I have other support classes in development.

Prajna support for Streaming data has not been developed or tested well yet. This is an obvious area for enhancement. Furthermore, developing a bridge for Atom/RSS feeds would be an excellent test for this functionality.

Some of the other data accessors I plan to create are an HTML scraper, an RDF accessor, and an accessor for XQuery.

List of Planned Software Bridges

This is just a partial list of software toolkits which I have been researching. These offer useful functionality, and I am working on exploiting the unique capabilities of each product. Some of these products are offerings from commercial companies.

Other Languages and Environments

The current shift of development to browser-centric interfaces, such as Flex, AJAX and JSON, offers some interesting development opportunities. This is an area I plan to exploit as time permits.