Alchemy is a text mining platform available through web services. It provides textual tagging and utilities, including entity extraction, web page cleaning, and other capabilities.
Prajna extensions include an implementation of an Alchemy-based entity extractor. This extractor sends the text to the Alchemy engine, parses the results, and transforms them into a format that conforms to Prajna's entity extraction interface.
The Prajna extensions also include an extension of DocData that tranforms HTML documents into text, stripping the HTML formatting and extraneous information. The AlchemyDocData object provides a convenient means for Prajna to parse HTML documents. In addition, the software bridge also includes an implementation of an RSS Document reader that uses Alchemy. This reader can read the contents of an RSS feed, and then parse the original news articles.
Alchemy requires a license key to use. Developers may request a license key for free at the AlchemyAPI web site.
More capabilities will be added in the future.